Friday, July 10, 2009

T-minus One Year

We have our one year anniversary coming up soon! Its hard to believe we've been married a whole year already!

On one hand it seems like we were just getting engaged & making all the plans for the wedding a few months ago, and then on the other, it seems like we've known each other forever.

We are amazed at how God knew that we would just fit so well together. It didn't take long at all for us to become best friends, and this first year together has definitely solidified our friendship & love so much!

We are constantly amazed that we are perfectly satisfied w/ just spending time together, no one makes me laugh as much as Ben can & no one could replace his sweet & Christ-like love.

We are so thankful for each other & have much to celebrate about as we near one year of marriage.

Although we miss everyone from back home like crazy, it has been really good to go on this first adventure together. To Colorado, Florida, Alabama and back to Florida, the Lord has definitely caused us to depend on Him & to trust each other more than ever-- and it is MUCH more fun to do all of what we've done in this year w/ your best friend :)

1 comment:

Tobin and Erin said...

Isn't it though? It's so nice to be able to look forward to seeing your best friend EVERY DAY after work! We've been through so much already; trial by fire, right? I suppose everything is just making our marriages that much stronger.

Congratulations on year #1! What a milestone. I hope you two have a great time celebrating it! Our one year was during API, so we made time for a brief dinner at Olive Garden, and let me tell you it was the most amazing evening for me! To have your husband paying 100% attention to you on a day when you know he needs to be poring over books is pretty special. The rest of the night he was studying, but I wouldn't trade that dinner for ten nights on a private island!

Enjoy your special day. :)