Monday, March 16, 2009

Cam and Linden are here!!

Cam and Linden (Ben's younger brother and sister) graced us with a visit for their Spring Breaks!

We are currently eating homeade pizza, which Cam and Ben helped me make, and Ben is trying to take a nap, while Cam and Linden try to pester him.

Sounds like sibling love, doesn't it?

We are enjoying their visit- they will be here thru Thursday. The weather has been pretty dreary for the past couple of days, but we are hoping to go to the beach in the next few days, to enjoy the beautiful Florida spring!

Linden is also going to teach me how to embroider! We got all our supplies today, so even if the rain keeps us in we should have plenty of "indoor activities" to keep us busy :)


Rhonda said...

Your computer is working great,
I am enjoying reading your blog. Cam and Linden need to work even harder on that Sibling love......Pester, Pester, Pester

Rhonda said...

Austin is the best!
we love him!!

Rhonda said...

Your dad is so hot

Holly said...

I'm wondering who wrote these comments under "Rhonda, Rhonda, Rhonda" names... I'm buying that the first is by your sweet mom... I'm questioning the second two... though I'm not sure why Austin would say his dad is hot... lol! unless he's saying it like she is saying it... I can see that :)

And I'm impressed that you guys have so many visitors!

You are well loved. :)

Rhonda said...

Holly, it is I the real Rhonda mom and you are soo right, I didn't write any of the comments! Mark wrote about the computer, Austin wrote about himself and Mark wrote your dad is hot, not realizing the whole world sees it, he was trying to delete when I told him and Austin sent it!! Our crazay family! Hi Ben and Ashley!!! Love you

The Carters said...

haha, i love that dad didn't know that everyone could see them! that is great! although he did already confess to having stolen your identity. love you family!