Monday, July 6, 2009

Artsy Fartsy

We had Ben's mom & brother in town for fourth of July weekend! It was soo fun to see them and they came bearing gifts! We love gifts!

Mama Carter made us this beautiful picture on a canvas to hang in our project room! Its sooo fun...she is the craftiest mama I know. She has also embroidered pillow cases & a tea towel for us! She is pretty arts and crafty clever! I had to brag on her art because I think it is so cute, so here it is:

We hung it over my sewing machine table..perfect fit!

I also attempted to paint some curtains for our project room because I had a design in my head that I wanted and didn't want to have to pay a boatload at anthropologie for it. So I got a white bed sheet and just painted it up the way I liked it. I just painted the bottom third, the rest is white...It was fun, maybe not as professionally done as storebought ones, but I had fun w/ it nonetheless :)

And on top of the canvas, they also brought us some Heb Cafe Ole brand coffee...mmmmm. so good.

If you've never had it, you must try it...hill country blend, houston blend & snickernut are our favorites! And we miss it!! You texans are spoiled w/ HEB :)

The rest of the trip was really fun & relaxing, we shopped around , the boys played golf, Mama Carter & I attempted an arts and craft project that turned out more like snowflakes, April got a BuildABear Monkey & named her Nicole, we grilled some yummy gulf shrimp, we all played spoons & Cam dominated in Monopoly. We also went out to the beach at night when it was nice & cool and tried to see fireworks. They were a ways off, but it was still fun just to be out there together.

Thanks for the visit! Miss you already!


Holly said...

I LOVE the artsy stuff!! Way to go on that curtain -- that design is cute! And Ben's mom's art, wow, love that! It goes perfectly.

Kyndall said...

Wow Fara! So artsy :) I am very impressed. And the painting looks so great with that curtain.