Thursday, March 19, 2009

Our Babies

Well, we don't have children yet...and we can't have pets in our apartment, so we have plants!!

After careful consideration and deliberation, Ben and I decided to invest in some little veggie and herb plants.

They are affectionately called, our babies. We care for them, and water them and encourage them to grow into good, strong little jalapeno, cayenne, bell and banana pepper plants.

our pot of bell pepper hopefuls.

we also have a cilantro plant, for making salsa, and oregano plant for italian dishes!

aren't they pretty?

we are so proud!

we transplanted them from their baby pots and put them in big boy pots today!

hopefully it turns out to be a good investment and we will get a nice harvest of peppers, bell peppers and herbs!


Rhonda said...

I have a grand plant? haahahaha

The Carters said...

oh not just one, but nine! a quiver-full!

ClareMarie said...

Aww I have baby plants too! I have 2 types of sunflowers, blue bonnets, and australian violets. I just planted them a few weeks ago, and one poked it's little plant head out just this week. Good luck with your plants and herbs. :-)

Tobin and Erin said...

Aw, I hope they grow big and strong so you can have lots of homemade salsa! :)

I hear we have until June sometime...Tobin's not complaining!

We'll have to have you guys over some time in the next week or so; new puppy will be here on Sunday!

Christen said...

hey ill give you a call!!!!!!! eric is in week 2 of API, you know how that is!