Thursday, March 12, 2009

Maria Sharapovia Carter Awesomeness

This is me and B playing tennis. Hardcore right?
Ok, so maybe its just a couple of really fuzzy images I found online, but at least it represents B and I.
We have picked up tennis in our abundant free time and are loving it! We are the perfect competition for each other, as neither of us has had much experience in the game.
So far we are 1 and 1.
We are both pretty competitive so sometimes we have to check our attitudes (we both have that older child syndrome where if we don't win, we don't like the game anymore). But competition aside, its mostly just fun to be active together.
I highly recommend finding a sport that you and your hubby (or future hubby) can do together- it is good to have things in common to enjoy together.
On another note, there is this thing called swag bucks. Its a search engine that you can get free things on, just by searching! I am totally copying Amy Grimme, but why not. So go to this link, and you can start your swagbuck, free "money" making search party AND by clicking on the link, you can help B and I get swag bucks too.
Come on, you know you want to help B get that Star Wars collectible action figure or GI Joe comic book.
Thats what I thought :)
so click on it! You've got nothing to lose!


Jenn said...

thats neat about learning a sport together... i love it.
plus, isn't that how men feel loved? (partially) .. by DOING smoething together...?

The Carters said...

yea a lot of men (and some women too) need recreational companionship as a love language...i don't know if its one of ben's or not, but we really enjoy it:)

Ben and Amy said...

shut up my name totally made the carter blog!! wooo hoooo!! and i totally copied kirby apel back in november and only now am i advertising... i still don't have many swagbucks though! if you learn a trick to earning more, fill me in!!

love you carters. have fun playing tennis :) ... ben and i also like to engage in competitive "things" but our problem is, i'm not competitive. so whether i win or lose, i don't care. but my sweetie hates to lose. my favorite story of such is when we were playing tic tac toe in the sandy beaches of maui on our honeymoon (yes i'm serious!) we had to stop b/c i kept winning and my sweet, patient, loving husband began to boil with frustration. (i wasn't helping with my laughter!) moral of the story: know your limits!

Tobin and Erin said...

I know what you mean! Tobin and I love playing volleyball together; it was a real learning experience at first. You see a totally different side of your partner. But once we learned how to communicate with each other in that sort of environment, it's been really fun! Plus, I know if I set him he'll always get the ball over the net.

Rhonda said...

Guess what your dad and I went to a Spinn class twice this week, both times he has smiled at me while we were cycling! It is true. I'm so glad you and your best friend are playing together!!