Friday, March 6, 2009

Jacki and Anna

B and I got to spend 4 days with two of my oldest and sweetest friends, Jacki and Anna.

They are both about to start their "big girl" jobs and indulged me in one last hoorah before

entering the "real world."

The weather was a little on the cool side, but with the sun out, it was perfect for spending some good QT on the beach.

Anna made sand angels.

Jacki ate rice

Ben, Anna, and I made a sand castle...

...and Jacki demolished it.

we made our daily trips to starbucks, of course and had a casi cielo french press...mmmm good

and took b out to dinner for a graduation celebration at an excellent tapas restaurant in town. (YAY B!!! He finished round one of training!!)

I love these girls and am so blessed that they came to see us! It really has been such a wonderful thing to share our lives here with so many people over the past several months. We feel very loved!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

thats fun ashley! such good friends.

You've had quite the round of visitors!! thats so special.