Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sew Fun

I mentioned a few posts back that I just started taking sewing lessons.  It has been really fun so far, and very helpful.  B got me a brand new sewing machine for Christmas (pictured above, with me furiously pretending to study the instructions).

The wonderful thing is that he also got me sewing lessons!!  I didn't even have to look at the instructions.  I took my sewing machine into this cute little boutique where a trendy little lady gives private lessons and she showed me every little thing about it and more!
That was sewing lesson number one.  The most trouble I ever have sewing is with the machine, more specifically the bobbin.  And while the bobbin and I still aren't friends, at least I am learning to manage him better.  I have to get a little bit angry sometimes first before he takes me seriously :)

lessons 2-6 are going to involve reading a pattern and working it all out, from start to finish.  My end product will be a lovely little skirt (apparently my pattern is from project runway, i hope rebekah is proud of me)

I picked out my pattern at this drug /pharmacy/fabric/martigras/windchime store that a bunch of cute old ladies work at.  Its quite an odd store but has some really cheap patterns and great fabric.  I even found a really cute amy butler design to make the skirt from! 

I am going on lesson 4 of 6 so hopefully soon I will have the finished product up on the page...and if all goes well I might even be wearing it.  I am so thankful for this time that my husband is allowing me to invest in so many of my random passions and likings :)


In other news:  B is starting his first 6 weeks of training in Pensacola!  His first day was Friday- it was an orientation and he learned a lot about good study habits and sleeping.  This phase is mostly academic, and is very rigorous.  He plans to be studying a lot and will have about 2 tests a week.  This section of training also covers water safety and survival.  He has to learn how to survive in water- so out to the pool he will go to swim laps.  I think he might even get dragged by a helicopter thru water at some point.  I'm a little fuzzy on the details though.  We are excited for him to get started, but are also anticipating a pretty heavy workload and a very different schedule than what we are used to.

and more exciting news:  we believe we have found a church!  I hope to write more of this in detail soon, but we are really excited about having community here finally!


Anonymous said...

ugh. i, too, hate the bobbin.

hi ashley :)

Tobin and Erin said...

So are very talented, Ashley! Can't wait to see how well you do with the skirt and eventually lots more items, I'm sure.

So Ben's first day went well, huh? Is he already studying? Tobin starts on Friday; I was wondering, did Ben get any idea as to how long the wait is between API and primary?

Glad you have had visitors; T and I love that our family and friends are taking advantage of our short stay in a warm climate. We have had several groups already (most recently his grandparents), and are looking forward to the crazy spring breakers! (two weeks in a row!)

We'll be in touch soon, I'm sure...bye!