Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Today is the Day

We found out this morning that Ben will have his review board this afternoon at 1:15. He is grouped w/ two other guys, both whom he knows, who also have to go to a review board. He was glad that he wouldn't be alone!

Please pray for wisdom and guidance over the instructors who will be reviewing his file, and for the Lord's will to be accomplished through this board.

There are three instructors who will be reviewing his file to determine whether he was treated fairly in the program or not. If they find some inconsistencies, and feel that he should get another chance, they will recommend him back into the program. If not, they will recommend him for attrition. Then, he will go talk to the big boss man and that interview will ultimately determine whether he stays in the flight program or not. The interview will most likely be tomorrow.

We are both really at peace & are just glad to get this thing moving so we can get some direction.

Thanks for praying!


Laura said...

praying for him RIGHT NOW! I am sure he's there.

Holly said...

Praying with you and believing God for GOOD and GREAT things! Thank You Father for being good no matter what. Thank You that You always intend our highest good! Thank You for how You are going to come through strongly on Ben's behalf. Thank You that Your eyes roam to and fro throughout the earth to strongly support those whose heart is completely Yours. Thank You that You act on behalf of Your children! Thank You for being Ben's Advocate and Help!

Tobin and Erin said...

I got this just in time! I prayed and will continue to do so. It's so good to hear about your peace in this situation. Whatever God's plan is for you two, it's exciting to finally find out!

Whitney said...

Praying for you guys!