Saturday, December 19, 2009

My Mimi

My sweet Mimi went to be with Jesus yesterday afternoon.

She was such a wonderful lady, and I am so sad to see her go, but am also so excited to know that she is with her Savior, Jesus & and is singing with the saints and the angels!

She loved to sing, and that is a love that she passed onto me. I like to think that I get a lot of my creativity from her too, because she (as well as my other grandmother, Mom'O) was one of the most creative people that I know. I remember learning to draw and to paint from her skilled hands; it was one of my favorite things to do with her.

She and I also loved to shop together, and would find all the good deals :)

And as a child I loved to sit with her and to paint her nails, or to dress up in all her fun clothes. I loved going to church with her and my other grandparents, and watched how much they loved the Lord and loved the body of believers

As Mimi got older, she developed dementia, and couldn't remember a lot of things. But one thing she never failed to remember was the words to an old hymn. "There's Going to be a Meeting in the Air". She would break out into song all the time, and would sing so beautifully the words,

"There is going to be a meeting in the air in the sweet, sweet by and by I am going to meet you, meet you over there in that home beyond the sky.
Such singin’ you will hear never heard by mortal ear
‘ Twill be glorious I do declare,
And God's own Son will be the leading one at that meeting in the air."

It was her heart to be with Jesus, and I have no doubt that her meeting with Him, in that home beyond the sky, has been glorious.

Love you Mim.


Holly said...

aw, sweet post. gave me goosebumps. what good memories you have with her :)

Whitney said...


Thanks for sharing such sweet memories about your Mimi. You are in our prayers and we also celebrate her dedication to the Lord with you!

Love you guys and thinking of you,

Whit and Josh