Thursday, October 22, 2009

I almost feel famous...

So I can't really take any credit for this, but I just found out that the photographer for our wedding was a Top 10 image winner for this photo in contest for BRIDE magazine/WPJA.

Weird. But cool.

Here's the link to his post about it and the judge's comments if you care to take a look:

The judge's comment was touching, but almost made me laugh because this picture always reminds me of how out of it my mom was on that day. Seriously, she was in a daze, floating around the room...she hardly remembers coming up and putting her head on my shoulder at all. I guess thats why you hire a photographer!
But I do love this photo of me and my mama and I am glad that Philip is using it :).


Rachel said...

That's so cool!

And a beautiful picture.

Laura said...

How fun!!! Your photographer was so great!!! Seriously...I wished that I could go back a week in time and steal him!

Kelly Owen said...

How neat!!! The picture really does look like it should be in a magazine.

Kyndall said...

So beautiful!

Claire said...

look at you, my little uruguayan gnome is a model! i've never been more proud.

Tobin and Erin said...

So beautiful! That's a great picture.