Thursday, August 6, 2009

Food for Flight

So a while back, Mama Carter got me this book for kids on how to hide vegetables in their food! Now, Ben is really good about eating his vegetables, so this gift really wasn't a reflection on his eating habits at all, she just knows how much I love making foods more healthful! Its a really fun book and I have gotten some fun ideas from it recently on how to spruse up our foods :)

For example, the other day I made omlettes and mixed about a cup of cauliflower puree into the egg batter! You really couldn't tell the difference at all! And having the cauliflower in pureed form just makes it a lot easier than stuffing the little white trees into an omlette.
We put lots of other yummy vegetables in them, and they were scrumptious!

I also added some pureed butternut squash to blueberry muffins (I know it sounds weird, but you really can't taste it!) and added it to our spaghetti sauce the other night!

The nutrition nerd in me just loves to do this kind of stuff and thankfully Ben doesn't mind (as long as he gets a good old hamburger every once in a while).

In other more important news, Ben has had a pretty packed week, but the Lord has been answering prayers daily for us (thank you to all those who were praying for him!)

Two of his flights got cancelled this week due to weather, which was kind of a bummer but ended up being a good thing because it means he won't have enough flights in to go on a cross country this weekend.
Cross country flights (where they fly to another city and usually a cool one) can be really fun, but Ben really wanted to have the time to rest and not to be preparing more flights & studying all weekend so praise God for the weather that changed what we thought was going to be a really intense weekend for him! One more flight tomorrow and then he is home free for the weekend :)

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