Sunday, February 8, 2009

Church and our week in review :)

Today we went to church, and afterwards B went to a study group and I worked on my sewing projects. The service was really encouraging today. Our pastor had just come back from a pastor's conference at John Piper's church and you could tell he was so refreshed and rejuvenated by his time there. Today he preached out of John 3:16. When he started the sermon I had no idea how he was going to preach an entire 45 minutes on it- but it was incredible! Some of the best teaching I have heard since we have been in Pensacola.

He talked about the complexity of God's love, and the different types of love He has for: himself & the Trinity, His creation, His elect, or children, and His children who are walking in obedience to Him.

It was an incredibly deep and well thought out message that left me contemplating so many different facets of our huge God and realizing how far I am from ever completely comprehending Him.

Today left me very thankful that He has chosen me as His daughter, that He has drawn me with His everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3)

Here is the website where you can hear the sermon if you are interested. If its not up yet, it should be coming soon!


An update to my last post, B passed both of his tests on Thursday! praise the Lord- thank you to those who were praying for Him. The Lord truly showed Him great favor & success!

He has another academic test and swim test in the morning so we are lifting those up right now and praying that the Lord continues to give him grace in his studies and in swimming.

This is the beginning of the third week of training- so we are almost halfway there! (It is six weeks total!)

B's birthday is tomorrow!! I am taking him on a special date after training- it will be a gift enough to him just to have a night to relax!


Kyndall said...

Yay! Happy bday Benny!


Rhonda said...

Your blog is like I'm reading your diary. I love it. So glad to hear your thoughts on how the Lord spoke to you yesterday. It is wonderful!