Thursday, June 11, 2009

Jehovah Jireh- Our Provider

We have seen so much of God's faithfulness and provisions in our lives this week!

Ben has constantly been seeing the Lord's providing hand in flying- thank you for those who prayed for his headache to go away, because yesterday it was completely gone! He is going to be doing his third flight today, and is exhausted & pretty much studied out, but is making it through by God's grace. God has also provided some great instructor pilots for him to fly with--they can really make or break a ride for a student and thankfully his have all been very helpful, encouraging and down to earth.

Also, we have been contemplating moving to another apt, house or condo in the area to save money. We love where we live now- feel safe & love the staff, but kind of wanted to save a little more money if possible for upcoming expenses. Well, after much searching we really couldn't come up with much, but did visit one condo that was cute and well maintained and cheaper than our current rent. It was quite a bit smaller though & we were really dreading the thought of having to move, but were willing to do it.

I finally got up the nerve to tell our property manager that we would not be renewing our lease with them. I felt like I was breaking up with them, betraying them or something horrible! I seriously, wanted to cry--not because of anything she did, I just really didn't want to leave and didn't want them to think that we didn't like them or something. We talk to our property manager all the time & they are soo helpful. So it had nothing to do w/ them. Anyway, as I was telling her we were going to move, she exclaimed, "Nooooooooo, you guys can't move! Please stay! I'll give you one months free rent!"

My ears perked up with that one, what, free rent? Well, I will ask Ben about it and get back to you.

So Ben and I looked over that proposition, crunched some numbers, and really felt like the Lord was giving us a way to stay! He is our provider.

Also, for the past several weeks we have been praying about the possibility of me going back to school for Nursing. It is something we have really been excited about and have been taking the steps to apply and such to a couple of different schools. Hence, the need to save money!

Well on Monday, God also provided a way for me to get at least some of my schooling paid for through a career advancement aid offered to military spouses! How wonderful is that!

I am looking into an accelerated BSN program where I would get my bachelors in Nursing in one year! If it works out I would take some prereqs now and then start the actual program in January. Please pray that the Lord would work this all out! The university is actually in Alabama, but we are like 20 minutes from the state line so its really not that far away, AND I found out today that I would qualify for in state tuition! - Praise the Lord!

So, anyway, we will see what He does with that desire. I am just praying that He will open the doors if it is something I really am to pursue.

Just wanted to share a little bit of His faithfulness to us this week!

Miss you all (except for the ones that live here- glad I get to see you guys :) )


Tobin and Erin said...

I have so many questions now! Congrats on Ben's flights going well; that's certainly a huge praise and relief for him, I'm sure. I'm also glad to hear his headaches have improved. That would be SO hard, flying with a splitting headache!

And congrats on possibly starting the nursing program! That's super exciting and BIG news! I hope to hear good things about that in the near future.

As for the career advancement aid, when you get time could you let me know how that works? I have been looking into financial aid for military wives, but everything seems to start either after a couple of years of service or at a particular base. Have you been talking to the Fleet & Family Support Center? Thanks SO much for any help you can provide in this area. I thought I was out of options.

Holly said...

Yay, you know this is my kind of post :)

Love to hear how He's providing. He is more than faithful -- absolutely faithful -- nothing but faithful -- takes such good care of you!

Exciting about nursing stuff too! Sounds like we're in a similar boat (I find out next week if I'm accepted to nursing school). I think you would make a fabulous nurse. Just saying! :)