Monday, June 8, 2009


This weekend I played my first game of golf EVER! (Outside of putt-putt of course, which I'm pretty sure doesn't count).

Ben has really enjoyed playing golf in his extra time while we've been in Pensacola. The base we are at has some really nice facilities and at a great price! I'll admit, I have always thought that if there were a list for the top ten most boring sports of all times, that golf would be on it. I really couldn't understand why people would want to walk around swinging a club all afternoon & call it a sport.

But my sweet grandmother gave me the advice to try to learn to play with Ben. My grandfather was a great & very avid golfer. He played just about every chance he could & he always wanted my grandmother to play with him, but she never learned. She told me that if she could do it again she would have learned so that they could have enjoyed more time together, doing something that he really loved to do.

So, with my grandmother's encouragement, I decided to try my hand at it this weekend. Ben was soooo excited!! We played a Par 3 course (shorter hole distance), and hardly anyone was out there to laugh when I swung & missed at least 3 out of 5 times. It was actually really fun. Really hot, but really fun! And Ben said that I did really well for my first time :) I think he had fun being my golf instructor & giving me technique tips :)

My own Tiger Woods.

I think it will be a good activity for us to do together on the weekend...relaxing, but active. At least we walk the course instead of using the golf carts, so we are getting a little bit of leg exercise in there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love golf! I was on the team this year! I thought it be boring at first just like you but I was wrong!