Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Weekend Hiking

Although our weekend didn't actually fall over the Labor Day weekend (my hubby works crazy hours), we did enjoy a nice weekend together right before Labor Day.  Weekends together are the best.  It's amazing how Ephram even knows that weekends are WAY better because daddy & mommy are BOTH home. 
I am usually  not a great consignment sale hunter, but I happened to score this AWESOME hiking baby carrier at a sale recently.  Brand new & 1/3rd of the price--yay!!    Ben was really excited too because for a while now, Ephram has not been able to sit comfortably on his back in the Ergo.  I think it's because my husband has a ridiculously long torso, so rather than being able to see from a high perch on dad's back, Ephram was getting smooshed down in the middle of his back & couldn't really see anything.  *I still love my Ergo though* and Ben has no problems using it forward facing, but I think as Ephram got bigger (he takes after his daddy in the height department), he needed a big boy solution. This fancy pants carrier has a torso adjuster....awesome.
ANYWAY, all that to say, we were happy for the find & decided to hop on over to the state park to give it a try.  Little mister & his daddy both loved it and we had a great time at the park.  Minus the part at the end where we got back into the car after feeling nice & accomplished with our hike and had ticks ALL over us.  Ughhh...
I may have  been a hot mess the rest of the day, trying to pick phantom ticks off my body.  Yeesh. 
I think we may wait a month or two more for our next hike...I'm still recovering from the trauma. 

what a cute little peanut.  I love both of these guys. 

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