Monday, July 25, 2011

When you take your family to the city...

Barbecue, sight seeing& museums are all a must.

But when it's 100+ degrees outside, you can throw all that out the window because, cold & delicious ice cream trumps even the best of them.  

So you can venture to guess, on our first outing we skipped over all the tourist sights & eateries & just went straight to dessert...gourmet ice cream. 
I'm not a super-fan of ice cream in general, but this gourmet ice cream shop was well worth the trip.  I ventured out of my comfort zone & paired Goat Cheese & Wildflower Honey ice cream with Raspberry sorbet and it was WON.DER.FUL.

A few days before my family flew out, I found out that my 85 year old grandmother would be able to join us for the trip!  Such a sweet surprise & blessing.  Isn't she just beautiful?

After we fueled up with ice cream, we did in fact go to one of the museums...I promise we did actually tour it.  Although, I'm not sure if my family is the best at museum-ing.  We may have renamed a few pieces of art with names like "Buffalo Turds", and of course there is the adolescent giggling that we just couldn't seem to contain.    No wonder I have no recollection of touring museums as a kid...

Here are a couple of our more tame moments, captured:

We eventually did get to the barbecue, and ate at one of the best:  Jack Stack's.  What made this outing even sweeter was getting to meet up with dear friends.  Stellar company + great barbecue made for one fantastic evening. 

We also made our way to Oklahoma Joe's, visited some Amish farms, went biking & walking with the Bobster !  Like true family, they even endured a trip to a vegan restaurant just to indulge me.  True love, I tell ya.

And, what I'm sure was their favorite moment: they got to meet their grand dog, Bob.  Bob loved all his new family members, but had a particularly special affection for Mom'O. He barely left her side the entire trip & loooved to nuzzle up against her like I've never seen him do before.  There was definitely a special little bond formed there.  :)

Bob sends kisses your way & lots of love...especially to you, Mom'O.

1 comment:

Candice Elaine said...

All the dogs love Mom'O even when she cares so little for them. Too funny! Although, Bingley these days prefers Eva to MomO, I think because Eva loves him.