Monday, June 1, 2009

Ben Update

Ok, well this picture is not quite an adequate description of what Ben has been up to lately. I am sure he would love for eating gummy worms & oreos to be his primary job in life, but probably a picture of him in a flight suit & helmet would provide a better pictoral description of his life at the moment.

I wish I had a picture of him in that helmet too, because he looks like an alien or darth vador. A really manly alien/darthvador, but nevertheless, it gets a little creepy with the heavy breathing and all.

But aside from all the fancy equipment he is getting, he is really working hard! He has one more week of "ground school" left before he starts flying. Ground school basically means that you are studying and taking tests all the time, and when he is not doing one of those two things, he is in a classroom listening to a lecture or getting practice time in the flight simulators.

Last week he was up at work from about 8am to 10pm every day! It was incredible how he persevered and still had energy to come home and hang out w/ me :)
He is doing really, really well.

We will see how this week turns out, it is sure to be busy, but hopefully not as many late nights as last week.

He should train basically all through the summer, so not many forseable breaks for him, but at least we got a nice, long spring break in before the madness!

I am proud of him-- I might just have to go get him some oreos and gummy worms for all his hard work ;)


Tobin and Erin said...

Wow, that's some long days. It's stated in the handbook that the students have to get 12 hours off in between training. Doesn't sound like that will be the case.

Tobin is working hard, into his second week of ground school. I guess they have THREE tests next week, which was probably the week Ben was on base so late every day.

One more week! Great job, you two.

Kyndall said...

I love you Ash!


Rhonda said...

Ben! So proud of you! You are becomming a real GI Joe!