Thursday, February 10, 2011

birthday boy

this week is ben's birthday week...and it also happens to be the most difficult week of work he has had to date.  gotta love the timing, right?   not so much.  but despite the work week's efforts to cramp our celebratory style, i think we ended up successfully cramming a wonderful birthday celebration into a couple of hours last night.  (i.e. from the time ben walked in the door from work, to the time we called it quits & went to sleep).

i prepared a nice little dinner for two:  beef stir-fry with quinoa & a side spinach salad with a WONDERFUL asian dressing.

ben reading his birthday card from moi :)

it was such a simple night-- simple meal, chocolate cake, presents & cards, a couple of phone calls to family, all the while with music playing in the background--but for some reason it was so sweet!  i really think God allowed us those two hours to just step outside of all the things that get us all worked up throughout the day, to just enjoy each other & the quiet.  ben just kept saying what an amazing birthday he was having---and literally, it wasn't even two hours long!

thank you Lord for sweet time, celebrating the life of my wonderful husband. :)

1 comment:

Courtney B said...

So sweet!! Way cute blog and I'm loving your etsy shop :)