Tuesday, September 8, 2009

back to school. back to cool.

love that slogan.

I wish this was me on my first day of school, with my matching pink lunchbox and back pack- this girl's not messing around. Unfortunately, I didn't have any pictures of me as a kindergartener handy, so I just swiped this one.

And regretfully, Ben didn't take a picture of me heading out for my first day back to school post bachelor's, so sorry for the lack of a good visual, but use your imagination.

So, yes, I have started back to school..I am in my third week of classes. Sociology & Human Growth & Development on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And to say the least, its been.....interesting.

We spent the whole first week in both of my classes getting acquainted w/ each other. Literally going around the room to every single person & getting at least half of their life story. That was weird, not that I didn't enjoy it, but I could remember maybe once or twice at A&M that that happened and I am pretty sure that all we really said in our "introduction" was our name and what our major was, oh yea and that we were in the fighting class of....AAA!! hullabaloo.

My two classes are relatively small though, so I guess that affords us the option to even do introductions at all. Its also interesting because 18 year olds are actually the minority in my classes...there are probably more 30 and 40 year olds than anything else and I think 27 is the average age at the college. So, kinda cool as well.

My classes also tend to debate a lot, which isn't necessarily my favorite aspect of it, but in these subjects you can't really get around it I guess...everyone has their opinion and wants to make sure they voice it. The only classes I really ever did that in at A&M were spanish classes, but for all of us whities, you can't really get too far in a debate in spanish, or too heated- people just get confused too quickly and say "si". And in my nutrition classes, most of us were on the same page. So thats interesting...I think the Lord is wanting to teach me patience w/ all the outspoken people that seem to be concentrated in my classes & to see them thru His eyes and not my foggy, critical ones. I also need to discern when to speak up and when not to...not that its easy to get a word in edge wise, but there are times when I should probably at least try.

Needless to say, I am definitely learning more than just sociology and human development thru being back in school. I am glad it is where the Lord has me for the time being.

next post I will give a little hub update on ben's schooling and such!


Laura said...

i miss you. school sounds fun fun fun...and i think you need to go find yourself a matching lunchbox/backpack set!

Rebekah said...

Yeah for school! I hope post-grad education is treating you well! Miss you!

Holly said...

yay! happy for you! praying for your relationships with your schoolmates. :) wow, saying schoolmates really does make it sound like you are young... like the cute girl in the picture! have fun with it all. you will do GREAT! smarty pants.