Monday, November 16, 2009

New Creativity

Here are some pics of my newest creations---Most of them were made using Amy Butler's new 'Love' fabric--which I am in love with :)

I will have them up soon on etsy, but here is a sneak peak!

*photography by ben :)

apron comes w/ a cute little pocket & a convenient towel loop

probably my favorite fabric ever on this new clutch

and another pretty little apron

Keep watching for a post on flight training status---coming soon!


Ben and Amy said...

seriously want a clutch... i was going to ask (my) ben for your tapestry clutch for christmas... i like this new one too. but then i realized the impracticality of such an accessory since i am forevermore carrying a diaper bag... so if you ever make a diaper bag ... or just a really large bag with a skinny pocket for a bottle, consider it SOLD!

Tobin and Erin said...

So sorry about missing the wives meeting! The reschedule didn't work out since we had made plans with some friends for this past Monday night. I hope everyone had a great time. I'll have to catch up on what I missed.

Jenn said...

oooo I lOVE the clutch!